

Created by sekaiproject

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Address Lockdown
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 10:20:38 AM

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Just wanted to let everyone know that production of the OVA and the goods from this Kickstarter campaign are proceeding as planned and thus we are going to begin the process of finalizing addresses and charging credit cards for those of you who had add-ons or had errors in your Kickstarter pledge.

Credit Card Lockdown - 9/30/2017 11:59 PM PST
Shipping Address Finalization - 9/30/2017 11:59 PM PST

We'll try to keep everyone up to date as to when everything will be ready for shipping. Nevertheless, do not forget to update/input your address in BackerKit! Please keep in mind that after the cut-off dates, address changes will not be allowed.   

Should you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding! 


OVAとKickstarterのリワードの制作は予定通りに進んでいます。 現在のところ12月末くらいに発送を開始する予定です。

そこでリワードを受け取る住所の締め切りと Kickstarter完了時に支払いを失敗した支援者の支払いを再度処理させて頂きたいと思います。

クレジットカード支払いの処理: 9月30日、午後11:59 PST
発送用の住所の締め切り: 9月30日、午後11:59 PST

上記の日付までに必ずBacker-Kit上で、住所を入力してください! 入力がない場合は発送時期について責任が持てません。

[email protected]


【中国語】 大家周末好!  



信用卡付款处理截止时间: 9月30日、晚上11:59 PST  登录和更改收货地址的截止时间: 9月30日、晚上11:59 PST 

请大家在截止时间前务必登陆Backer-Kit填写收货地址! 没有正确填写地址的话我们将不负一切责任。 

[email protected] 


Update #24 Storyboards!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 03:49:23 PM

Note: This update includes both English and Japanese.

Apologies for the delayed update this time around! Everyone has been hard at work on the materials for the NEKOPARA OVA.
長い間アップデートがなくてすみません! ネコぱらOVAのスタッフは熱心に頑張っていますよ。

First off, it was recently announced on the official NEKO WORKs Twitter account that the NekoPara series has sold over 1.5 million units worldwide! Nyaamazing!

Back in May, it was also noted that there will be a NEKOPARA Vol. 4 on the horizon so more adventures with the catgirls shall ensue.

With that said, here's what we have for this update.

These are updates from animation studio, Felix Film, who is working on the OVA. For those of you who don't know, Felix Film has done work on such titles like the recently released film, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Reflection, the TV series, Drifters, and the TV series Schwarzesmarken among others.では、今回のアップデートはFelix Film様からの絵コンテです!
知っていますかどうか分かりませんが、Felix Filmは最近の劇場版「Nanoha Reflection」、「Drifters」、「Schwarzesmarken」の仕事をしました。



As you can see from these storyboard cuts, the OVA seems to follow the beginning of the NekoPara series as some backers have commented on in a previous update. Notably, you can see Chocola try to convince Kashou to let her and Vanilla stay with him. This is but a small taste of what's progressed but certainly there's more to come!

Sayori-sensei and the team are doing their best to make the NEKOPARA OVA amazing so stay tuned as we have more exciting details to show off.

Update #22: T-Shirt Size Lockdown Extension
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 04:56:36 PM

A fine afternoon to everyone!

As mentioned in a previous update, today was the deadline to lockdown a shirt size for those of you who backed a tier ($150 and up) that included the t-shirt. While we have answers from the great majority of backers in those tiers, there's still a number who have yet to submit their survey answer.

After consulting with NEKO WORKs staff, they have graciously extended the deadline for another week. Thus, the deadline to submit and/or change your survey answer regarding t-shirt will be June 7, 2017 24:00 PST. Survey answers will be submitted to NEKO WORKs at midnight so do not delay. Reminders have already been sent to the remaining backers via BackerKit but if you are one of those backers and still did not get an invite or have any other concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.

Also, for those of you interested we are also running a Kickstarter campaign for the visual novel, Hoshizora no Memoria. We're about $22,000 away from hitting the stretch goal to localize the fan disc, Hoshizora no Memoria: Eternal Heart as well as new goods!

BackerKit Surveys Going Out!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 03, 2017 at 08:49:59 AM

Hello, Backers!

We're starting to send out invites in waves due to the LARGE amount of neko fans who helped support this campaign! If you pledged on the Slacker Backer campaign, you will also get an invite to the BackerKit survey in your e-mail inbox.

Just a few things to note:

  • The lockdown date of the BackerKit surveys is 9/31/2017. This means are free to change your mailing address up until that date in case you have a move planned. Also, you are free to buy add-ons up until the BackerKit lockdown date. Keep this date in mind and answer the surveys before the deadline!  
  • T-shirt size answers need to be in by 5/31/2017. If you don't answer by that time, you'll be getting a Japanese Large T-shirt. 

Don’t freak out if you don’t immediately see the BackerKit survey in your e-mail; they’re still being sent out. As always, thank you for your love and support!

Update #23 T-Shirt and Cat Costume Lockdown
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2017 at 01:17:22 AM

A pleasant Monday to everyone!

As mentioned in our last update, T-Shirt survey answers have been locked down and the totals we received have been sent to the printers. Thanks again to everyone who got their requests in on time. For the handful that didn't answer the survey, you will be receiving a Japanese large size T-shirt. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Our next lockdown item are the cat costumes available as add-ons on BackerKit. If you are still on the fence and interested in a getting a costume to "try" to put your cat in, don't hesitate. Add-on requests will still be taken up to Friday, June 16th, 24:00 PST. Following that, add-on requests for the cosplay costumes will be taken until Friday, June 30th, 24:00 PST as well.

There's more news in the pipeline and we will do our best to keep everyone up to date. As always, have a nyanderful day!