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Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #31 Shipping Alert! Shipping Alert!
over 6 years ago – Sun, Dec 03, 2017 at 11:18:50 PM

Hello everyone!

We just received word that the physical goods will begin shipping out on December 26, 2017. Since there are a lot of physical goods backers, overseas shipments won't begin till the start of the new year. Please be sure to check your BackerKit account for more details and shipping notifications.

On top of that, we're pleased to announce that distribution of Steam digital keys for the NekoPara OVA will also begin on the 26th of December.

It's been quite the journey from the start of this campaign till now but hopefully everyone is still energized to receive their digital and physical goods. Judging from the fantastic images we saw in the last update, even our own staff is excited to see the final product.

As always stay tuned for more information as we get it. Till next time!








同时,NEKOPARA OVA的数码版序列号也将在12月26号发给大家。  



Update #30 NekoPara OVA Limited Edition Finalized Sample Images
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 11:25:11 PM

Hello again everyone!

With the recent completion of work on the NekoPara OVA, the NEKO WORKs team is hard at work on finishing up the designs of the various goods that were available during the Kickstarter campaign. For those of you who backed at the $100 level and above and thus are getting a limited edition copy of the OVA, you're in for a special treat as we will be unveiling the finalized designs!

 Here's a quick rundown of everything that comes with the limited edition of the NekoPara OVA:

  • OVA BluRay (The above box design for the BluRay Disc will be the same as the regular edition available at the $50 tier)
  • CD Soundtrack
  • 212 page A4 size artbook
  • NekoPara stickers
  • Randomly inserted NekoPara film reel
  • Fabulous limited edition box.

NEKO WORKs has definitely pulled out all the stops in preparing an nyaamazing limited edition package. The artbook itself contains over 10 years worth of NekoPara artwork from it's initial creation till now.

Stay tuned for more details including the scheduled digital release date as well.

Update #29 NekoPara OVA is Complete
over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 11:25:19 PM

A pleasant Monday to everyone!

Over the weekend,NEKO WORKs officially announced that work on the NekoPara OVA has finally concluded:

Hype Intensifying!
Hype Intensifying!

 It's been a long road but we want to extend our congratulations to NEKO WORKs and the animation staff for their hard work on the OVA. More details will be forthcoming as we get into December. As always, a big thank you to all backers who made this happen.

Update #28: More Goods Sample Images!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 11:49:54 PM

Hey everyone!

It's almost the end of October and that means Halloween is approaching. While we don't have any tricks (yet) we certainly have some treats for everyone in the form of new images of some of the goods in the NekoPara campaign!

First off, we have some more detailed designs of the cat girls of NekoPara. Definitely love the chibi designs as well!

Chocola and Vanilla
Chocola and Vanilla


Kashou, Shigure, and Azuki
Kashou, Shigure, and Azuki


Maple, Cinnamon, Coconut
Maple, Cinnamon, Coconut

 Of interest to some folks is the inclusion of the staff list for the NekoPara OVA. Some notable new information including such as KOTOKO singing the ending theme, "Mew Mew Cake". 

Next up, we have the NekoPara T-shirt sample to show off.

 I love the way the heart is designed with each of the cat girls' names written all over it. A subtle, but stylish look to show your love for NekoPara.

Lastly, we have the finished can badge designs.

 These look great, especially in the heart shaped design they are in. Maple changing the game with her behind the back heart sign. Mm-hmm.

That's it for now. We'll have more interesting stuff to show off as we get closer and closer to the release date!

Goods and OVA Update!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 07:03:47 PM

Pleasant Monday to everyone!

Summer is finally over and things are starting to cool down but we still have some fantastic updates for everyone.

First off, some of you may have already seen Sayori-sensei talk about them online but the finished batch of Chocola and Vanilla plushies have just arrived and they look absolutely adorable!


While there have not been plans to sell these outside of what was earmarked from the Kickstarter campaign, we'll be sure to update everyone should information be available. The cuteness... it really is too much!

Next up, we have more updates from the OVA, this time we have some lovely artboards to show off to everyone. These really show off the different locations featured in the NekoPara series.

First up, let's have a look at La Soleil!

La Soleil (inside the shop)
La Soleil (inside the shop)

We get a really good look inside the cafe and can see how roomy it is with lots of space for customers to walk around. To the left are placeholders for where the tables and chairs would go.

La Soleil (kitchen)
La Soleil (kitchen)

Here we see the inside of the kitchen where Kashou and the team make the wonderful pastries and cakes that make La Soleil a popular spot to stop in for tea and a bite to eat. The coloring and lighting makes for a bright and cheery place to work we'd imagine.

La Soleil (2F, Living Quarters)
La Soleil (2F, Living Quarters)

 Next up we have the layout of the upstairs area of La Soleil where Kashou, Chocola and Vanilla live. Plenty of room for guests to come over too.

La Soleil (2F, Living Quarters)
La Soleil (2F, Living Quarters)

 Here's another view of the living room.

La Soleil (2F, Chocola and Vanilla's Room)
La Soleil (2F, Chocola and Vanilla's Room)

 Next up we have an artboard of Chocola and Vanilla's room. Shigure certainly has an eye for design. No doubt about that.

La Soleil (2F, Kashou's room)
La Soleil (2F, Kashou's room)

 Next up we have Kashou's room. It's... pretty simple but look at that view! Of a wall! And trees too, don't forget the trees!

La Soleil (1F, Bathroom)
La Soleil (1F, Bathroom)

Lastly, we have an artboard of the bathroom. A lot bigger and fancy than your average Japanese bathroom without a doubt.

This rounds out our update for this time around but we've got one last thing to mention. According to Sayori-sensei's Twitter account, recording work for the OVA has just completed!

Signed scripts from the NekoPara OVA!
Signed scripts from the NekoPara OVA!

We here are just as excited as you all are at what the finished product will look like. So stay tuned as we get more juicy bits information to everyone~